Supporting the cause

Autism awareness month is April.  To kick it off, April 2nd is Light it up Blue day.  To cap it all off, on May 18th is the Bay Area Walk Now for Autism Speaks fundraiser.  Needless to say, we will be involved in all of this, and invite others to participate as well.

As part of Autism Awareness month, you will be seeing many more blogs from me, as well as pleas for support for this, what I now call, epidemic.  I hope that this year is the year, the world, United States, and Canada all take notice, and start to give the Autism Disorder some serious attention, and start to address the why, the what, and the how to address it.  Today we still don’t know why people get Autism.  Join me in raising awareness for this cause.  A facebook post, a tweet, a blog post, whatever.

Autism Awareness Month


In 2007, the United Nations, declared April 2nd, to be World Autism Awareness Day.  Awesome!  A group or council that actually understands the issue, and declared a specific day each year for it. This is 1 of only 4 days that the United Nations has declared as a health-specific day.  As part of World Autism day, we encourage everyone to light it up blue.  Light your homes, your businesses, your community blue. Home Depot is involved as well, and will help you get blue lights or covers so you can also participate in this.  Last year, numerous world renowned landmarks lit up blue, including the Empire State Building, the Sydney Opera House, The Great Pyramids in Egypt, and many more.  To learn more about how you can help get involved visit



On May 18th, myself, my family, and hopefully many others will join Team Chasing Chase for the Walk Now for Autism Speaks fundraiser.  Autism Speaks is a major source of funding for desperately needed Autism Research.  I am setting team, and personal goals for this event.  If you live in the bay area, and can make the walk in San Jose, on Saturday May 18th, I encourage you to join our team.  I’m working on creating shirts for all team members.  Kids will get kid tees.  Men get normal tees, and women will get fitted tees.  All tees will feature a “Super Chase” logo, and if I can, I will also try to get an inspirational message and member name printed on the back.  Super Chase, as he will be called for the event, will also be sporting a cape, and the “Autism is my Superpower” message.  You can help support by joining my team and/or donating to this cause by clicking below or on top widget on this blog, which will be available on all pages until the event is over.

You can also visit the Chasing Chase page directly here:
Or my personal page directly here:


Thanks for reading, and hope to see you support this cause as well.

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